How Microlearning Can Transform Corporate Training

Shaqueta Pierre Gadson
By Shaqueta Pierre Gadson on June 23, 2024

Have you ever attended an inspiring and informative training session only to forget the key points soon after? The Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve illustrates that information is quickly forgotten after learning, with the most significant decline occurring shortly after the initial session, followed by a gradual leveling off. The research showed that humans tend to lose 50% of their memory of new knowledge only days after they learned it. This is a true challenge for every learning professional. 

Combatting the Forgetting Curve with Microlearning

That same seminal research suggested that the forgetting curve can be addressed when intentionally making an effort to review and retain learned knowledge. Based on the Association for Talent Development (ATD) Microlearning Report¹, many organizations attempting to bridge their own skills-gaps are now using microlearning to reinforce and supplement formal training for this exact reason. This approach has gained importance in corporate training because it aligns with today's fast-paced work environment. With employees often being busy and having shorter attention spans, traditional long training sessions are not always effective, or easy to incorporate. 

Learning in the flow of work requires concise, targeted content that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Microlearning training and development initiatives enable individuals to learn at their own pace, retain and practice their new skills. With learning tools that focus on effective learning and enhanced engagement, like Engageli, the impact of micro-learning on outcomes is even greater. 

Why Microlearning Works for Today’s Workforce

When designed well, microlearning boosts learning outcomes, as it adheres to several evidence-based principles for effective learning:

      • Small Chunks: Provide learners with easy-to-understand, bite-sized pieces of content.
      • Focused Goals: Ensure each micro lesson has a clear objective to help learners acquire specific knowledge.
      • Easy Access: Make lessons readily available anytime and anywhere.
      • Engaging Content: Use videos, quizzes, and other interactive materials to maintain learner interest.
      • Repetition: Reinforce important content by presenting it multiple times in various ways to enhance retention.
      • Practical Application: Design lessons to focus on information that learners can apply in real-life situations.

Microlearning, with its emphasis on delivering concise, focused content, is ideally suited for the fast-paced modern workforce. Its accessibility and flexibility enable employees to engage in learning whenever and wherever they can, seamlessly integrating with the flow of work, demands of busy schedules, and dynamic work environments.

Microlearning integrates training into daily tasks, making it a natural part of the routine and encouraging continuous improvement. This approach, combined with accessibility and flexibility, allows employees to develop skills on-demand without disrupting their workflow, boosting both productivity and engagement. 

Implementing Microlearning in Corporate Training Programs

Getting started with microlearning is easyGetting started with microlearning in corporate training is simpler than you might think. Start by identifying key skills and knowledge areas that need reinforcement and create short, focused lessons around these topics. Utilize various multimedia formats, such as videos, infographics, and quizzes, to keep the content engaging and accessible.

Finally, integrate these modules into employees' daily workflows by making them available on the platforms they use regularly.

This approach will ensure that learning can happen seamlessly throughout the workday. It also aligns with a recent study from the University of Pennsylvania², which underscores the importance of context in habit formation when designing learning interventions for behavior change.


Benefits and Risks of Microlearning for Skill Development 

Microlearning offers numerous benefits for skill development and retention. It enhances knowledge retention by breaking information into manageable chunks, making it easier for learners to absorb and remember. Additionally, microlearning fosters increased engagement, as short, focused sessions are more likely to capture and hold learners' attention, often leading to higher completion rates compared to traditional training methods. 

However, there are potential risks, such as the oversimplification of content and challenges in tracking progress. To mitigate these risks, organizations should ensure content relevance and provide opportunities for deeper exploration. Microlearning can enhance the effectiveness of more extensive learning programs by re-introducing the learned concepts in small chunks during the workday, offering opportunities for practice, recall and implementation. 

Using Purpose-Built Technology for Microlearning Delivery

Organizations and corporate learning providers using Engageli as their chosen learning platform, leverage the benefits of Engageli’s asynchronous learning spaces to easily transform content into effective microlearning experiences. A live virtual workshop can be quickly turned into a series of refresher microlearning modules, accessible anytime in the playback room. Short videos, documents, quizzes, and other materials can be easily accessed at any time, providing convenient and continuous learning opportunities for individuals and groups.


Microlearning is a transformative approach to corporate training, suited for today's work environment. It focuses on delivering quick, targeted lessons that enhance engagement and retention. While there are risks such as content oversimplification and tracking challenges, the benefits include better knowledge retention, increased engagement, and higher completion rates. Learning and development professionals should embrace microlearning, utilizing platforms like Engageli to enhance outcomes. 


To learn more about how Engageli can be used to leverage the benefits of microlearning, take our tour!


 American Society for Training and Development (ATD). (2018). Microlearning: Bite-Sized Content

² Albarracín, D., Fayaz-Farkhad, B., & Granados Samayoa, J. A. (2024). Determinants of behaviour and their efficacy as targets of behavioural change interventions. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1-16.


Published by
Shaqueta Pierre Gadson
Shaqueta Pierre Gadson
June 23, 2024