Case Study: Active Learning and Engagement at University of California San Diego

By Talia Kolodny

June 4, 2024

Dr. Leanne Chukoskie, currently serving as Associate Professor at Northeastern University, is a seasoned scientist, entrepreneur, and educator. Leanne boasts a PhD in Neuroscience and years of experience in developing innovative curricula. But when active learning started dipping in her class at the University of California San Diego, she adopted Engageli and experienced powerful results.

Explore this Classroom Case Study to Find Out

  • Where learning science meets innovative technology to create effective and engaging learning experiences.
  • Meaningful peer-to-peer learning, enabled by Engageli's unique table groups.
  • Strengthening social connections and cohort-based progress with a focus on collaborative learning.
  • How to better support diverse learners with a dynamic learning environment. 


“We know what works for learning, but we are not always using this knowledge in the classroom. Engageli allowed my students to naturally form closer relationships and become more active and engage


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Learn how Engageli can help you boost attendance and engagement, transform peer collaboration, and improve student learning outcomes.